After receiving the access token we will be able make requests and get data from salesforce via the rest api.
When we making a request we need to add Authorization header in each and every request that including the access token. If the access token is missing , invalid or expired we will get 401 Unauthorized error.Header value should be like below.There should be a space between OAuth and access token.
Authorization OAuth access_token.
Salesforce rest api has a service ( one of my favorite service ) to make queries through the request. So we will make a select query get all the accounts in salesforce.
Sample service :'you query goes to here'
Now I'm going to get all accounts in salesforce by using 'SELECT Id , Name FROM Account LIMIT 10' query. Here getting only 10 records because of the salesforce governor limit.therefore I need to send below get request with the Authorization header,name+from+account+limit+10
Below screen you can see the related post man request.
So you will be able to do lots of things through the rest api. If you need to make pagination , salesforce supports for the offset keyword to return data with the pagination. refer below link for that.
You will be able to do crud operations and many more with the rest api and it's light weight and easy to use.
Please send me your suggestions , comments and any clarification on this.
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